
HESIG has a very active membership and many opportunities for its members.
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HESIG has a very active membership and many opportunities for its members.
Below is an example of some of the activities we promote and offer to our members.
Please consider becoming a member so that you can receive our listserv announcements.

Call for Submissions: Special Edition of JCIHE - Integrating international students in local (student) communities. A theory-to-practice perspective

The Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education (JCIHE) is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society’s (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG). JCIHE promotes scholarship opportunities, critical dialogue, and provides a link to engage professionals and academics to the international aspects of higher education. JCIHE publishes three volumes a year: Spring, Fall, and a Special Edition in Winter.  Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

Special Issue Call for Submissions

JCIHE welcomes submissions for an upcoming special issue with guest editor Christof Van Mol (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). The theme for this issue is "Integrating international students in local (student communities). A theory-to-practice perspective." Please consider submitting one of the following for this special issue:

1) research article of 3,500 - 55,000 words (using the Chicago B citation Style). 

2) comparative report analysis of 750 - 1,500 words that examines the primary themes and focus of more than one book, current report, or other documentation that guides higher education institutional policies. 

All articles will undergo a blind-review peer-editing process. Please send manuscripts in Microsoft Word format to


Nickie Smith