Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits


You must be a CIES member to join a SIG. You can join SIGs when you sign up for membership. Click here to join CIES.

If you are already a member of CIES and would like to join the Higher Education SIG, login here to add HESIG to your account.

For detailed membership instructions, including how to check if your membership is active, please click here.

journal of comparative and international higher education

The Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education is the HESIG's official journal. HESIG supports development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that influence higher education. Accordingly, JCIHE publishes work from the complementary fields of comparative, international, and development education addressing these issues.  HESIG members are encouraged to submit to JCIHE as well as get involved as peer reviewers and/or regional editors. For more information about the Journal, please visit its homepage at

Student travel awards

The HESIG is proud to offer graduate student travel awards to expand the opportunity for more graduate students to be able to attend the CIES annual conference. This travel award is funded by the CIES HESIG. All graduate student members of the HESIG are invited to submit applications. Two $400 scholarships are awarded annually. Please see the Student Travel Awards page for more information, including application instructions.

HESIG ListServ

The listserv is sent bi-weekly to members. HESIG members can submit text-only announcments here. If your announcement includes a pdf attachment, please submit it directly to Announcements must meet the following requirements:

  • Focused on professional development for existing grad students or faculty.

  • No advertisements for classes or degree programs.

  • Must be explicitly related to comparative and international education

  • Text should be limited to 250 words or less

  • If including an attachment, it may be no more than one page in PDF format

  • PDF files alone will not be accepted, explanatory text must accompany attached file