
HESIG has a very active membership and many opportunities for its members.
Below is an example of some of the activities we promote and offer to our members.
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HESIG has a very active membership and many opportunities for its members.
Below is an example of some of the activities we promote and offer to our members.
Please consider becoming a member so that you can receive our listserv announcements.

Call for Nominations: CIES Higher Education SIG Awards

The CIES Higher Education SIG announces our Annual Awards Call for Nominations that honors publications and individuals whose academic work focuses on international and comparative issues in Higher Education.  Four categories will be honored: 1) Best Article, 2) Best Book, and 3) Best Dissertation. The Awards Committee makes a particular effort to ensure the creation of a broad slate that speaks to the diversity of the CIES membership in terms of geography, institution, and across social identities including but surely not limited to gender, race/ethnicity and sexual orientation.

All CIES members are invited to make nominations. Self-nominations are also welcome. We expect that nominations are made with the prior approval of the candidate and that nominations should include some background information about why you think that the submission is worthy of receiving an award. The CIES Higher Education SIG is also seeking new members for the awards committee.

Submissions and inquiries should be sent to: Matthew A. Witenstein, Chair HE-SIG Awards Committee at by October 12, 2018. In the email subject line, please clearly identify the submission/inquiry and the particular award. See this document for full description of  nominations.

Nickie SmithCIES, Awards, Nominations